Verica Tadić, Biography in English
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- Nadrzędna kategoria: oryginalne publikacje
Verica Tadić lives in Serbia, in the city of Čačak.
She publishes contemporary poetry, haiku poems, essays, essays, studies, stories, sentences and aphorisms in national and international magazines.
She is represented in numerous literary publications and magazines, in forty joint books, as well as in thirty anthologies.
Published books:
"Islands of Night", Poetry, 1990; , "Silence of Pollen", Poetry, 2001; , "Web of Sunshine Treads", Haiku, 2003; "Chipim from ducats", Haiku, 2004; , "Kristina and Blaž", Collection of short stories, 2006, 2007; , "Fluorescent fingers", Rečenice, 2008; "On the Cliffs of a Moment", Studies and Essays, 2009; "Sacramental Door", Rečenice, 2013; , "Oath Dance", Haiku, 2013; , "Eon Graffiti" 2015; , Sentences, 2015; , "When words dream", 2015; , "Introduction to Anxiety," 2016; Collective portrait", Translations into foreign languages, 2022.
She won several awards in Serbia:
Prize of the Literary Club "Morava Teche" for poetry, 1972, 1974;
Prize of the Literary Club "Morava Teche" for prose in 1975;
"Momčilo Tešić" awards, for aphorisms, 2005;
"Andra Gavrilović" prize, for essays (second prize), 2008.
She is also the winner of several international awards:
"Ćamil Sijarić" award for a collection of short stories, Inter-Republican Community for Cultural and Educational Activities and Education, Pljevlja, Montenegro, 2006;
"AKT" magazine, Award for the shortest story (third prize), Valjevo, Serbia, 2007);
FCG Naji Naaman Foundation Award, Lebanon, 2018, "Honorable Awards (for Complete Papers)";
Third prize at the International Competition for Literature, Calligraphy, Painting and Photography "Zheng Nian Cup", (For a literary essay on the work of Milorad Pavić), Beijing, China, 2023.
Prize of the World Poets and Artists Forum for Thought and Creativity in Egypt and World Journal of Poets for Thought and Creativity, Cairo, Egypt, 2023.
Sayed Goma Writer Award (Second Prize) for International Creativity, International Poetry Competition for the 20 Best Poets from Twenty Countries, Cairo, Egypt, 2024.
Prize of the Literary Workshop "Kordun" and Literary ESNAF, for essay writing, for the year 2024, whose founder, publisher and editor is the Serbian writer Ilija Šaula.
In addition to these awards, he is the recipient of several awards and certificates from various countries around the world.
The magazine "Svitak", (number 27 - 28 / 2001) is dedicated to the creativity of Verica Tadić.
The international magazine "Diogen" plus, a magazine pro cultura, from Sarajevo, which is printed in the US Library of Congress, dedicated 47 pages to Verica Tadić (publishing 25 of her poems).
About Verica Tadić's literary work, books signed by the writers were published:
- Ph. D. Milovan Gočmanac, "Spiritual lyrical sensibility" (2012),
- Milijan Despotović, "Rhetoric of Light" (2018).
Ph.D. Milovan Gočmanac also edited the anthology "Lazur of the Future Time" in which a selection of essays and reviews about the books of Verica Tadić was published.
Verica Tadic is also an honorary member of the Naji Naaman House of Culture (Maison Naaman pour la Culture), from Lebanon, since 2018. He is the honorary ambassador of the Festival "Feminart fest 2021, in Istanbul, Turkey, 2021.
She is a member of the World Organization for Peace - "Poets and Peace", from Tunisia.
Her poetry and prose have been translated into several foreign languages: English, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian, Polish, Slovak, Slovenian and Arabic.
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- Nadrzędna kategoria: oryginalne publikacje
104- Verica Tadić
-41 فيريكائ تائديتش
(full text - texte intégral - texto completo - ) الكامل
Aphorisms in Serbian, English and Spanish.
Treba znati dati bez da ti se vrati jer život i jeste zato da bi drugom životu mogao se dati.
We should learn how to give, without expecting anything in return, because life is given to us so we can give it to another life.
Hay que saber como dar sin esperar nada a cambio, porque la vida es para darse a otra vida.
U kalendaru duše svaki gest dobrote je crveno slovo.
In the soul's calendar, every gesture of kindness is a holiday.
En el calendario del alma, cada gesto de bondad es un dia de fiesta.
Misao je jedino carstvo koje tirani ne mogu porobiti.
The thought is the only empire that tyrants cannot enslave.
El pensamiento es el unico imperio que los tiranos no pueden esclavar.
Umetnost nam ostavlja biserna zrna snova u školjkama vremena.
The art leaves us pearls of dreams in the shells of time.
El arte nos deja perlas de los suenos en las conchas del tiempo.
Kada se snovi razbole nema te jave koja može da ih izleči.
When dreams get sick, there is no reality to make them well again.
Cuando los suenos se enferman, no hay realidad que los pueda sanar.
Награда Наџи Наман угледној књижевници Верици Тадић
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- Nadrzędna kategoria: oryginalne publikacje
Угледна међународна фондација „Наџи Наман“ (Naji Naaman), са седиштем у Либану, доделила је књижевна признања за 2018. године, међу којима се налазе и писци из нашег региона.
Књижевници и чланици Удружења књижевника Србије Верици Тадић (Чачак, Србија), писцу, преводиоцу и оријенталисти Јасни Шамић (БиХ и Француска) и афористичару Томиславу Супеку (Хрватска), награда је припала за укупно књижевно стваралаштво.
Јово Николић, сатиричар и члан Београдског афористичарског круга из Босне и Херцеговине, Владимир Мићковић, сатиричар и Драган М. Вугделић, писац и преводилац из Црне Горе понели су признања у категорији креативног доприноса књижевности.
У конкуренцији 2371 уметника изшездесет и шест земаља, који стварају на четрдесет језика и дијалеката, награде је ове године добило шездесет четворо писаца. Њихова дела биће објављена у Годишњаку Фондације, а лаурети ће постати почасни чланови Куће културе Наман.
Награда „Наџи Наман“ додељује се од 2002. године ауторима најостваренијих књижевних дела у садржају и стилу, с циљем оживљавања и развоја људских вредности.
ANTOLOGIJA NAGRAĐENIH PISACA, Liban, 2018 (naslovna strana)
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- Nadrzędna kategoria: oryginalne publikacje
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: oryginalne publikacje
- NAGRADA za Književni esej Verici Tadić, pod naslovom "Alhemično kopno u moru vremena"(O književnom delu Milorada Pavića), Kina, 2023.
- NAGRADA, Književna radionica "Kordun" i Književni ESNAF, Beograd, 26 06 2024.
- Verica Tadić, Sentence, na engleskom i srpskom, Egipat, 2024.
- SERTIFIKAT, za kulturnu i umetničku kreativnost, Egipat.